Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Here is a wellness product I can recommend from personal experience.  I had been losing weight, rapidly at first, and then hit a plateau at -30 lbs that I just could not break through.

My friend Holly had learned of a condition called "estrogen dominance" from our shared Naturopathic doctor, Amanda Gammage; and the health food store folks recommended this product to her.  When I read about estrogen dominance ("a condition in which healthful estrogens are pushed out of the way by unhealthful estrogens") and about the product, Ultimate Her Energy, I wondered what it might do for me.  Sure enough, as soon as  I began using it, the plateau I'd hit dissolved and the weight loss resumed, even through a blowout weekend for a friend's wedding!

It doesn't surprise me that I should be affected by estrogen dominance, as I have had a very "well estrogenized" body all my life.  This has caused my ligaments to be very stretchy; I have an amazing range of motion.  When I do Tai Chi stretching, often I need to modify to get enough stretch within my strength limits! I also have a fairly youthful appearance for my 52 years, and have been told I can thank estrogen (although I prefer to thank Lancome!)

Anyway, I do recommend the product if estrogen dominance is an issue for you.

If you are unsure whether your symptoms alone are enough to convince you that estrogen dominance is at play, your naturopath can order some testing.

A list of symptoms of estrogen dominance can be found at:  http://www.johnleemd.com/store/estrogen_dom.html .  They include abdominal weight gain, pms, fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, foggy thinking, allergic symptoms, and autoimmune disorders, for just a start to the list.  I must admit, pretty much anyone with any symptom might conclude estrogen dominance is at play, reading Dr Lee's list.  

Anyway, it has worked for me!

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