My medical history includes several bouts with cervical dysplasia requiring medical treatment three times over the years. I started gaining weight and experiencing depression and anxiety at age 11. In my teens and twenties I had severe acne, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, extreme cramps with periods to the point that the pain made me vomit, heavy periods, and increasing generalized muscle pain combined with extremely flexible ligaments. First diagnosis of fibromyalgia was at age 34; confirmed by a rheumatologist in my 40's, by which time I had developed osteoarthritis as well. My only times of relative wellness were during my five pregnancies. I had easy pregnancies where fatigue was the only challenge; I lost weight from my body while pregnant and regained it while nursing. I have very large breasts but had difficulty breastfeeding, although I persisted until my last child was born during a bout of bronchitis and I just couldn't. So it's not hard to sell me on the benefits of progesterone.
So now I am gonna get me some and see if it doesn't really help me with the remaining weight and fatigue issues.
So now I am gonna get me some and see if it doesn't really help me with the remaining weight and fatigue issues.